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Exhibition celebrates 50 years of diplomatic relations between Korea and Australia

  • Views 1667
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2012-01-04

Sookmyung and the University of Sydney celebrated the50th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Korea and Australia in a successful joint art exhibition this past month.

The Sookmyung Women’s University-University of Sydney International Joint Art Exhibition, sponsored by the Korean Embassy in Australia, was held October 7-13 at the Art Gallery of Sydney University to commemorate the golden anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and Australia. Participating in the exhibition were the dean of the School of Art, Hwang Soon-sun, Professors Kim Jae-young, Seo Su-kyung, Choi Jin-man, Park Ah-rim, and some postgraduate students.

The exhibition, featuring a total of 80 works of design, handicraft, paintings, and other genres, was divided into two categories: one showcased the group work of professors and artists, while the other displayed individual works of two professors.

Professors Hwang Soon-sun and Colin Rose, the dean of the School of Art of the University of Sydney, Kim Young-soo, the president of Sydney’s Korean Culture Center, along with all other professors and students participated in the opening ceremony in the afternoon of October 7 to celebrate this joint art exhibition. Another highlight of the exhibition was Professor Seo Su-kyung of the Department of Design giving an English talk entitled “The Emotion, Space, Time of Koreans and Human Interaction” on October 8 in the Korean Culture Center.

This commemorative exhibition marks a significant diplomatic initiative between the two countries and as such received considerable funding from the Korean Government. The local media gave the exhibition extensive coverage and showed great interest in its significance. Sookmyung was pleased to strengthen its relationship with Sydney through the exhibition and looks forward to the University of Sydney visiting Korea in November to participate in another joint art exhibition.