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An Honorary Doctorate Awarded to the Vice Chairwoman of the National People’s Congress Standing Comm

  • Views 1493
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2011-02-21

Sookmyung Women’s University conferred an honorary doctorate on Chen Zhili, the vice chairwoman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee of the People’s Republic of China, in recognition of her distinguished contributions to formulating several national policies for enhancing the social status of women as well as improving the welfare of marginalized people in China.

In the conferment ceremony held in Hansangeun lounge of Centennial Hall on August 30, 2010, Chen Zhili received an honorary doctorate of education in recognition of her dedication to promoting the development of higher education through educational reform, enhancing the status of women and improving the welfare of marginalized people in China. Gi-beom Yi, the dean of academic affairs, presided at the ceremony, which was attended by about 100 figures including members of the said committee, honored guests from the Chinese Embassy in the Republic of Korea, Hyeong-o Kim, the former chairman of the National Assembly of Korea, and Ui-hwa Jeong, the vice chairman of the National Assembly. At the ceremony, promotional videos of Sookmyung Women’s University were shown, Eun-gyun Mok, the dean of graduate school reported the resolution of the Graduate School Committee of the university to award the doctorate, and then the president of the university, Young Sil Han personally gave Chen Zhili the diploma. In her congratulatory address, President Han said, “Chen Zhili’s belief in important roles of women for the peace and coprosperity of the international society remarkably coincides with the tradition and vision of Sookmyung Women’s University. In this sense, it is very pleasing and significant for Chen Zhili to be awarded an honorary doctorate degree by the prestigious private university in the Republic of Korea, which has a long tradition of women’s leadership education.”

Chen Zhili was born in Fujian Province, the party secretary and the director of the education department of the National Education Commission, and the senior vice chair of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games. She has worked as the vice chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress since 2008.