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Sookmyung Founds Sports Volunteer Corps

  • Views 1704
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2011-03-28

Sookmyung Women''''s university has founded the first sports volunteer corps in Korea. Its launcing ceremony was held on Nov 9th. Beginning with volunteer work by joining Sookmyung alliance volunteer services, the sports volunteer corps will start its full-fledged operation.

''Sookmyung Sports Volunteer Corps'' is planning to encourage the needy such as senior citizens living alone, unfortunate children, and handicapped people to start the second life through sports activities. The corps intends to share hope and love with the underprivileged and help them participate in society actively.

The corps designed after-school activities for children from broken families and dance sports classes for elders living alone. They are planning to enlarge the field of volunteering by running in marathons for childhood cancer patients and exercising the middle-long term project named ''Raising Unfortunate Children to Be Gold Medal Winners in Ten Years.'' In addition to that, the corps has a plan to make an effort to create the recognition that sports can be the field of volunteer services as well.

The sports volunteer corps consisting mainly of about 100 students majoring in Physical Education of Science School had its launching ceremony at 1 pm on 9 in Centennial Building. Un-yong Kim, the formal international olympic committee vice president, also attended the ceremony and gave a two hour special lecture on the topic ''volunteer services through sports activities in the international community.''

General Director Jeongho Cho of Social Services at Sookmyung Women''''s University said, "Experiences as members of the Sports Volunteer Corps will offer students opportunities to grow up as creative talents with altruistic passion." "If the more active participation of people from the underprivileged class is driven by the sound sportsmanship of Sookmyung Sports Volunteer Corps, their work will extends well beyond the meaning that the word ''''volunteer'''' itself has today. Their volunteer work would play a key role to realize social integration in the long run in that case," he added.