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President Han Encouraged Cambodian Students

  • Views 1686
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2011-06-20

President Young Sil Han invited Cambodian students studying in our university on April 5. The students hobnobbed with her and she encouraged them. President Han said: “I also have the experience studying abroad away from our country and had encountered a lot of difficulties. I understand your difficulties.” “But I wish you from the bottom of my heart that you strive to concentrate on your studies to become a talented person needed by your country as you go back.” The twenty Cambodian students delivered their letter they prepared in advance to president Han for showing their appreciation. In the letter, they wrote: “We are really thankful for you to give us chance for studying in Korea and you have further supported us scholarship for us to concentrate on studies and we always thank SMU for all those you have done for us.” The twenty Cambodian students who had meeting with president Young Sil Han was admitted to our university through admission for international students in March last. International exchange team revealed their ideas that “We are planned to continue support with Key Global Talent Scholarship in the future for nurturing the women of talent in Asia.”