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  • Views 1848
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2010-07-09

A knowledge sharing culture is expected to be built throughout Korea via Sookmyung Women’s University’s efforts. Sookmyung Women’s University held the official launching ceremony of SNOW (Sookmyung Network for Open World), its open knowledge platform, on the March 19th, and they hosted a TEDx event on the following day.

SNOW has provided video Lectures of renowned educational institutions and organizations from abroad with scripts explaining the lectures in Korean, and its performance was highly evaluated by students and the general public.

The SNOW Development Department has finally opened the official version of SNOW after it had run the beta version of it to improve the website for three months. On the beta version of SNOW, users couldn’t check contents of scripts or make amendments in the script after they posted scripts immediately. However, based on the wiki system, they can now look over the content and correct mistakes right after the posting. Not only that, postings of others can be supplemented by anyone so that the work of adding Korean scripts to lectures can be more stimulated. Also, the My page section of the site in which one can check the online lectures and scripts he/she posted and the search feature for video lectures were updated. The process to be registered as a member on the SNOW site was simplified as well. Likewise, the upgrade of SNOW has been accomplished in various ways.

On that day, President Han and Sookmyung students who were the first term members of SNOW Knowledge Leader Group participated in the ceremony. Changseon High school and Seongmoon High School’s teachers, students, and foreign workers graced the ceremony with their presence as well. The two schools are the high-school alma maters of the students who entered Sookmyung Women’s University through ''Regional Core Talent Screening'' and won prizes from a contest of which aim was providing high schools which lack computer facilities with the cost of equipping the facilities. The Snow Development Department is planning to donate computers and SNOW knowledge sharing programs to both schools.

On the twentieth, the Snow Development Department of Sookmyung Women’s University hosted in the Sookmyung Centennial Building.

Sookmyung Women’s University had obtained exclusive rights for “TEDx Event” and hosted the first TEDx event on the topic “young spirit, visualize your ideas” on the twentieth which is a day after the day on which Sookmyung held another event which is the official opening ceremony of SNOW.

This event was recognized as the first TEDx event for teens and those in their twenties in Korea. Nancy Choi who is a PR-expert and Ben Ratje who is a coaching and training expert took part in the event and talked to young spirits about how to visualize their ideas. Juwan Yoo, a high school student created an application named “Seoul Bus,” and Bona Cho, a blogger of a famous food blog by making use of her experience living on her own, attended the event and shared their experiences of visualizing their ideas as young spirits.

This TEDx event in which three hundreds of people participated was registered as an official event in “TED.com” and was broadcasted live to viewers all over the world on the internet.