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Jaeun Shin an alumni, Received Honorary Associate of the Royal Academy of Music

  • Views 1610
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2010-09-02
A vocalist Jaeun Shin alumni (vocalist 94) received Honorary Associate of the Royal Academy of Music, (an abbreviation; Hon ARAM) in last April. Hon ARAM is an award for the organization and person who is the best performer or distinguish, therefore Jaeun Shin alumni is the first one who received it from Asia.

Jaeun Shin alumni, the one who graduated a vocal music course of our university is being charged for Asia audition and Korean branch manager, she makes efforts to external inter-change and scientific research between University students of Asia and Honorary Associate of the Royal Academy of Music. Shin, alumni informed Royal Academy of Music to Korea and Asia, and she acknowledged Hon ARAM as a distinguished school pride up high.

Getting a prize of the Hon ARAM is a big glory. The chief director of the Royal Academy of Music is Elizabeth Jr. who is the current queen of England. Therefore Hon ARAM is a direct award from the Royal Governing Body under the Royal family. It is an honor to have this award because normally this award is for a person or an organization that had best perform a meritorious deed.

Jaeun Shin alumni really tried hard to let Asia know that Royal Academy of Music is the 5th world’s best known college of music. In the year 2007 fall, she was invited branch president of Korea, assisted in as mid wife to let Korean Students include Asia to know and associate with Royal Academy of Music. And this effort produced good results.

“There are many Korean universities that want to make a connection with Royal Academy of Music. But they are very strict to choose the school for sisterhood relationship. In our case it was possible because our university had over 100years of traditional history.”

With Jaeun Shin alumni’s hard work we made a contract with them and after that there is much activity inter-change between our university and Royal Academy of Music. Last year, the Royal Academy of Music as the best of the upcoming musician Chiaroscuro Trio’s in Korea concert became a great success, and invited current professors to open master classes as a subject for college of music students. Coming 12th ~18th, composition of destiny trio (violin: Jonghwa Hong, cello: Heechul Chaee, piano: Jeongae Shon) will visit the best of talent music school, Wells Cathedral and have scientific inter change and open master class.

This meaningful music exchanges between the two countries would be impossible without Jaeun Shin’s effort. This coming September the four of student from university of music will go to England.
They passed the audition from Royal Academy of Music academy’, so they are going to study as exchange students. Jaeun Shin alumni make clear that “she’s telling all over the Asian areas about Royal Academy of Music academy, but it’s true that she move little more told to her own school and one’s junior in school”, and says, being branch president of Korea I will do my best to develop Sook Myung and also she will be towards being a vocalist.

Jaeun Shin alumni was graduated from a university of music, a vocal music course in 1998’, and went U.S.A. and graduated from a Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University University of Maryland College Park, and went through the process of for a best of performance, then got a degree from a University of Maryland College Park. She had award experience of The Fairfax Young Artist Vocal Competition, The Marie E Crump Vocal Arts Competition, Classical Vocal Competition , Orpheus National Competition, NATS Competition(Professional level).

She became activity center of from Maryland WA, DC, New York and east side of state as performing opera, concert, and also worked Maryland Opera Studio Young Artist for 2years, and played opera ,, . During the exchange student, she was selected All-American Scholar Award and acted the music school of the Maryland area, and also acted as musical coach from the Drama Learning Center under the FOX broadcasting station in Washington D.C. area. Currently she is training a junior’s in Dong-Duck Women’s University, Kwang-Ju University, Sun-Hwa art high school as well as our university.