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Sookmyung University Is Chosen as the Developer University of the National English Proficiency Test

  • Views 1465
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2010-01-15

Sookmyung University was chosen as the developing university of the National English Proficiency Test (NEPT) at the consortium in which our university, the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Seoul National University, Korean University, and Hankuk University of Foreign language participated.

The National English Proficiency Test is the test through which the Korean government is planning to replace TOEIC, TOEFLE, and other types of English language examinations. NEPT is integrating the strengths of the Multimedia Assisted Test of English (MATE) of Sookmyung Women's University, TEPS of Seoul National University and FLEX of Hankuk University of Foreign Language which are the three major official tests.

Although MATE is the only official English test which evaluates test takers' speaking and writing abilities unlike Seoul National University's TEPS which evaluates reading and listening abilities, it has not been actively used outside the Sookmyung campus because of its complicated test taking system. However, we expect that we will play a crucial role in the NEPT developing process, for it is going to include speaking and writing sections in which Sookmyung University has specialized. Meanwhile, we are to come up with ideas to minimize inconveniences MATE causes students to meet the required qualifications for graduation.