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Sookmyung Global Explorer Communicating with the World

  • Views 1772
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2011-06-20

In recent online news letter of “Crows Nest Centre”,an Australian social welfare organization, an article of Sookmyung Global Explorers of our university was carried. The professor Bong Hee Mun and the students in computer science department visited in Australia for surveying “Australian social welfare service and management system”. Meanwhile, the report “Seeking for approach and solution to reduce carbon emissions in the point of view of food industry” written by the undergraduate students of food and nutrition who visited the UK in the summer of 2010 has been selected best of the best report.

The newsletter of “Crows Nest Centre” reported by “MULTICULTURALISM WHAT KOREANS CAN” (June 2010): “Professor Bong Hee Mun and nine Korean students of Sookmyung Women’s University (Computer Science) are in Australia for studying immigrant’s settlement system”. Isabel, officer in charge of immigrant’s settlement service of local agency explained that understanding of Korean in multiculturalism is enhanced and “(The Korean students) desire to understand medical, education and interpretation service for immigrants’ settlement”. He also said that the Sookmyung Global Explorers from our university desire to have activities that can give help in establishing policies for disadvantaged group.

Meanwhile, the report “Seeking for approach and solution to reduce carbon emissions in the point of view of food industry” (Mee Gyeong Seong academic adviser) written by the undergraduate students of food and nutrition who visited the UK in the summer of 2010 has been selected best of the best report. The visitors considered that: “Food Mileage” which is computed with CO2 emissions by method of transportation of foods and distance was not realized in Korea and visited in the UK where low carbon food industry is developed and had a lot of activities such as e-mail interview with professor Tim Lang of City University of London who is originator of the concept “Food Mileage” The report also presented proposals about low carbon food industry such as Korean would form “One Planet Community” (A community intended to pursue happiness by fairly sharing earth resources by the people all over the world.) for the first time and open food policy related subjects.

After coming back to Korea, the students said: “We encountered more difficulties than expected and felt hard planning detailed visiting schedule, and we had to face a series of nervous challenges in a new country.” “But I feel comfortable I was selected as a visitor and visited in the UK. I have widened my vision on my specialty and I have come to know the world is far larger than I thought before."

“Sookmyung Global Explorer” is a part of Sookmyung Abroad Program (SAP) incorporated in Sookmyung Blue Ribbon Project. The program is promoted in the procedures that each four undergraduate students of the same major form a team and the members plan the program in connection with the major and they will have a director professor appointed for directing and guiding planning and execution of the program for 8~10 days during every summer and winter vocation. The students selected for Sookmyung Global Explorer’ team are given scholarship of 1,600,000 KRW per student and more than 20 teams are finally selected every year.