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Special lecture by the First Deputy Mayor of Bilbao

  • Views 1761
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2012-11-07

First Deputy Mayor Areso’s visit was proposed by Professor Swoo Kyung Suh (Environmental Design) and 7 students(Env.Design/Kim Seung Joo, Yang Ran, Kim Yun Young, Economics/Min Kyung Jin, Park Soo Min, Lee Hana) of the 2012 Global Exploration Team. The team visited Spain last July and learned about the development of Bilbao from First Deputy Mayor Areso. During the visit, they proposed that he give a special lecture at the university. As luck would have it, he would be visiting Korea on business in October, and so he gladly accepted the proposal. The signing of the memorandum of understanding came into fruition rapidly.

Mr. Areso was charged with the task of transforming Bilbao, a city that had begun to lag behind during the nineties, into a modern cultural and industrial city. He and the city councils as well as citizens of Bilbao is credited with attracting the Guggenheim Museum to Bilbao and carrying out the restructuring of the city.

On the strength of its ports, Bilbao grew with the development of trade in the Middle Ages, consolidating itself as an important commercial center. And when the industrial revolution came, it transformed the city. Exploitation of its vast and plentiful mineral resources enabled it to enter a golden age. However, the decline of the iron and steel industry, during the latter half of the 20th century, greatly damaged its industrial structure. With unemployment exceeding 25% and pollution caused by rapid industrialization, the inhabitants of the city began to leave.

Mr. Areso stated that, “the restructuring our decimated employment structure along with improving the quality of life were the keys to the rehabilitation of our city.” Cleaning up the city, making it beautiful again, and attracting information/service businesses were keys to creating a pleasant environment and quality jobs. To achieve these goals, the city built exquisite architectural structures and rebuilt the residential areas around the abandoned mines. Art museums, historical parks, and other cultural amenities were developed to bring life back into the city.

The success was stunning. Bilbao now boasts over a million tourists annually, holds many international conventions, and has won 35 prizes on urban environmental design. The changes have been dramatic. Ordinary roads have become trails where people can enjoy the city. The conference center, where the docks once stood, has become an icon of the new Bilbao.

Mr. Areso states that the reason for the successful renovation was “because Bilbao was utterly decimated.” “Our despair gave us no other option but to succeed in the renovation.” “The first stage was cleaning up our city, but the second stage is developing a ‘smart’ city. To that end we will not stop.”

Our university signed a MOU with the city of Bilbao. President Dr. Sun Hye Hwang, Director Chun Il Park, and First Deputy Mayor Areso was present. Director Park promised that more opportunities would be created for students who wished to experience administrations outside Korea.