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"Sun has risen on the Cheongpa Hill!”

  • Views 729
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2015-03-26

The Hae-Oreum Festival is an annual event that marks the launch of a new student council and a new academic year. This year, the 47th student council, or more popularly called –‘the Reflying’- organized a rich set of exciting programs for the freshmen.


From March 3, student clubs and leadership groups opened publicity booths along the path from the square off the Queen Sunheon Building to the front yard of the Myeongshin Building. Many freshmen visited the booths to meet and hear from the senior club members. Many were seen studying the brochures with a serious look on their faces. 



On March 5, a special stage was set up in the square off the Queen Sunheon Building for the clubs. Their performance started at around 4-pm in the order of BSL, Destiny, Max, Code Blue, Seolhwayeon, Sook-poong, and Seol-lem. Although the cold weather kept the audiences rigid with hands deep in their coat pockets, they appreciated the shows with warm cheers and gentle shakes to the music. “We made an extra effort to make a special stage- to reach out to as many students as possible, who may not be aware of the event so early up in the new semester and for them to have real fun!”, the student council said.



“It was really great to learn about so many clubs and leadership groups! I would have loved to stay around and participate more if I didn’t have my classes to attend”, said Hayeong Chung (Law15), a freshman.


The student council also set up an organizer’s booth across from the Student Union Building and distributed Sookmyung Student Diaries containing a new map of the campus, a list of contact details of various departments in the university and discount vouchers for some retail stores in the vicinity. Students were also invited to try on the newly designed baseball jackets, embroidered with university name and logo. 


Translation by Sookmyung Interpretation Volunteers