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Establishment of the Sookmyung Cultural Center in Vietnam

  • Views 1900
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2009-10-14


Our university is going to establish the Sookmyung Cultural Center in Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam.It is expected that the Sookmyung Cultural Center would become a foundation stone to build a good reputation as the cultural exchange hub of Asia through developing exchange programs related to culture and education.

On 25th September President Youngsil Han, Sunhye Cho (chairman of the Sookmyung Cultural Foundation), Minho Ahn (director of Korean Cultural Institute), and Hyungcheol Kang (head officer of the planning division) visited Vietnam and met the head officer of Quang Ninh Province to sign the contract regarding the establishment of the Sookmyung Cultural Center in Ha Long Bay, a capital city of Quang Ninh Province. The contract between our university and Quang Ninh Province contains mutual efforts to make. Sookmyung and Quang Ninh Province promise efforts to develop programs regarding culture and education, to enhance Education facilities of Ha Long city, and to support the exchange programs of Sookmyung students and professors to conduct research. Also, the city makes a pledge to cooperate to construct the architecture of the Sookmyung Cultural Center in the contract. On the other hand, President Young-sil Han encouraged local students at Ha Long Science High School. President Han and Ha Long Science School agreed to build the Sookmyung Cultural Center in the new complex to where Ha Long Science High School was going to move. The vice mayor of Quang Ninh Province and President Han signed the memorandum of understanding regarding the agreement between President Han and Ha Long High School.

Our school invited delegations from the Vietnamese government to discuss details over the plan for establishing the Sookmyung Cultural Center. The Sookmyung Cultural Center which is going to be opened in Vietnam will be the center of cultural exchange in Asia. It is planning to offer education about Korea and to raise professionals who will be the key of development of the Asian region or leaders who are highly skilled in exchanging cultures between different countries. We expect that the Sookmyung Cultural Center in Vietnam will lead to form a global Sookmyung brand image among people on the world by operating our education and volunteering programs.