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Sookmyung’s Academic Exchanges with Yunnan Provincial Department of Education

  • Views 1635
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2010-07-09

Sookmyung Women’s University signed a contract consenting on academic exchanges with the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education and five universities located in Yunnan. After that, it had an opening ceremony of the Research Center for Cultural Exchange between Korea and China.

President Han and other officials from Sookmyung Women’s University and a Chinese delegation composed of forty people including Tiensin Jang, Special Representative of Yunnan Province, Zou Ping, Vice Head Officer of Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, and Tienchun Heo, President of Yunnan University, attended the opening ceremony. The two parties agreed on running joint education and research programs, expanding the size of students on exchange, mutual volunteer programs and so forth.

In addition, Sookmyung concluded details of exchange programs with Yunnan University and Yunnan Normal University, and reached mutual consent for academic exchange and cooperation, exchange programs of students and faculty members, and joint research with Kuming University of Science and Technology, Yunnan Agricultural University, and Yunnan University for Nationalities.

President Han and the ministry officials decided to expand the cooperation for cultural research at the opening ceremony held in the Sookmyung Centennial Building. Sookmyung agreed on establishment of the Research Center for Cultural Exchange between Korea and China on its Campus and Sookmyung Cultural Center in Yunnam University during last 2009.