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Our university receives appreciation award through WeAJa Flea Market volunteer work

  • Views 1094
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2014-11-20

WeAJa Flea Market was named by taking the first Korean letters of We Start Program, Beautiful Store and Volunteering. It is an annual event that is held on the founding anniversary of the Joongang Ilbo. The event was started to provide low-income children with fair opportunity in education and welfare by donating the proceeds from the celebrity gift auction, recyclable flea market, among others.



Since the participation of our university Ambassador in the first WeAJa Flea Market which was held in 2006, has contributed with affairs concerning distinguished guests and event management. 



As a result, Joongang Ilbo has decided to present Sookmyung with a plaque of appreciation for all the help it has given and to celebrate the 10th anniversary of WeAJa Flea Market. From our university, the Dean of Student Affairs Kim Yun-hee received the appreciation plaque on behalf of the university at the opening ceremony for Seoul flea market which was held at Gwanghwamun Square on October 19.


Our university received an appreciation plaque at the WeAJa Flea Market opening ceremony held in Gwanghwamun Square, Seoul, on October 19. The second person from the right is Dean of Student Affairs Kim Yun-hee.

Ambassador Kim Seon-kyeong who participated in this year's WeAJa Flea Market as a volunteer said, "It felt great to hear so many compliments on the excellent volunteer service as an ambassador from many staffs at the event... It was nice to see many people from all walks of life come together with a meaningful purpose of giving and receiving help, and I was proud to be a part of it."