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The Asia Pacific Women's Information Network Center completes education for UNESCO UNITWIN women

  • Views 1176
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2016-10-06

As a part of the UNESCO-UNITWIN Project, The Asia Pacific Women's Information Network Center sent an education team composed of 7 professors and 14 students from our university to Life University in Cambodia and Universitas Pelita Harapan in Indonesia in August and conducted education on ICT and leadership.




ICT education included coding education program Scratch as well as website production, SNS utilization, Arduino, and Excel program, whereas leadership education composed of 5 themes of finding strengths, vision, creativity, communication, and time management as well as special lectures by local women leaders, field trips, etc.




For leadership education in Cambodia, Vice-minister of Agriculture and Fishery H.E. Mom Thany and President of Cambodia Women Entrepreneurs Association Ms. Nirvanna Chenge participated as guest speakers, and in Indonesia, Mayoress of Bandung H.E. Atalia Praratya Kamil, Assistant Minister of Education and Culture Dr. Ella Yulaelawati, and founder of IWITA Ms. Martha Simanjuntak visited. The special lectures given by the guest speakers received great response from the local students.




The opening ceremony of Cambodia local education was participated by Secretary General of Cambodia Ministry of Women's Affairs H.E. Veasna Bunchhith and Vice-governor of Sihanouk Province H.E. Hek Hee Mony, among others, and they expressed their hopes by saying “We hope this local education can become an opportunity for more cooperation toward fostering of women talents in Cambodia and ICT competence.”




The achievement of this local education is all the more meaningful from the fact that it was planned according to the local needs based on the joint research and customized contents development related to the local education status of Cambodia and Indonesia that was conducted during the first half of this year.  




The President of The Asia Pacific Women's Information Network Center Kim Myeong-hee said, “As there is great emphasis on the importance of ICT (Information & Communications Technology) competence today, we were able to confirm the demand of diverse leadership programs and passion toward ICT competence building.” and “We plan to continuously supplement programs based on this year’s educational experience.”



Meanwhile, the purpose of UNESCO-UNITWIN Project is to pursue competence building between higher educational institutions through networks that enable exchanges such as knowledge sharing and research. The first year UNITWIN Project of Sookmyung Women’s University was conducted with the Life University in Cambodia and Universitas Pelita Harapanas in Indonesia as an international development project in the field of education toward “Women Empowerment through ICT and Leadership Education.”