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Our university successfully signs relay exchange MOU with 5 universities in the Eastern U.S

  • Views 1202
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2014-11-20

Our university successfully gained an opportunity to upgrade the level and range of international exchange by signing consecutive MOUs with multiple prestigious universities in the Eastern U.S. President Sun Hye Hwang who has been visiting the U.S. since the end of October has signed general and student exchange MOUs with 5 universities beginning with a visit to New York Institute of Technology(NYIT) located in Manhattan, New York, and other universities in New Jersey and Pennsylvania for five days. According to the Office of International Affairs, successfully signing exchange MOUs by visiting one university per day for a week is very extraordinary, and it signifies Sookmyung has risen to international status.

NYIT, the first university to sign an exchange MOU, is a university with global competitiveness in fields such as architecture, pharmacy, communication studies and engineering. According to the assessment of a weekly newsmagazine in the U.S., the US News, NYIT is one of the top universities in the northern part of U.S. Our university discussed the plans to exchange studies with NYIT in the field of food and nutrition, women's health, immunology and diseases related to women.


On her visit to Rutgers University on October 29, President Sun Hye Hwang takes a commemorative photo with Rutgers University's Vice President of International Relations Joanna Regulask after signing the exchange MOU. 

Fairleigh Dickinson University(FDU) which she visited on the 28th is a university that produced many competent graduates despite its relatively short history. President of Hyundai Group Hyun Chung-eun, former President of the Hyundai Group Chung Mong-hun and President of KAIST Kang Sung-mo are some of the university's graduates, and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has received an honorary doctorate from the university in 2008 as well. The university specializes in operating programs that provide internship opportunities at the UN or associated organizations for competent students through a long partnership with the UN. Our University plans to pursue student exchange programs with FDU in the field of business administration, pharmacy, computer science and communications. Rutgers University, which has signed a general exchange MOU with our university, is the largest higher education institution in New Jersey with over 65,000 students, and it is a research-oriented university that receives the highest assessment in the fields of philosophy, library science, English literature, etc. It also boasts the eighth longest history among universities in the U.S., and the university is very close to Korea as more than 13% of its international students are Korean.


President Sun Hye Hwang and Andrew Porter, the Dean of the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania, signed an exchange MOU concerning 30 days of student exchange and invitation of professors, among others. 

In addition, President Hwang visited the University of Pennsylvania located in Philadelphia, U.S., on the 30th, and signed an exchange MOU with the Graduate School of Education Department concerning student exchange and visitation of professors. University of Pennsylvania which is commonly called U-Penn is a prestigious Ivy League school located in the Eastern U.S. The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is a business school which holds a world-renowned reputation, and it is assessed to have a variety of excellent departments such as medical science, law and anthropology. It took the 13th place in this year's QS World University Rankings conducted in England. Through this MOU, both schools are expected to expand their collaboration in TESOL, Graduate School of Education and International Summer School Program, as well as learn about each other's strengths.



Lastly, the Albright College which signed an MOU on the 31st is a small college with a total of 2,500 students, but it is a specialized college with great strengths that has been selected as one of the top 25 colleges in the area of arts by Newsweek. Our university decided to pursue mutual student exchange with Albright College for five students a year in the field of arts, among others, as well as double degree programs.

The Office of International Affairs said, "Through the general and student exchange MOUs with prestigious schools in the U.S., our students are expected to strengthen their global capacity and have a positive effect of attracting talented foreign students."