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Student Da-bin Shin from the Department of Industrial Design Makes a Character for Seoul Institute of Health and Environment Civil Communication

  • Views 3274
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2021-04-28

Da-bin Shin, a senior from the Department of Industrial Design, participated in an internship for Seoul Metropolitan Government proceeded together by the Human Resources Development Center of Sookmyung Women's University and Seoul City. During her internship, she has gained attention for creating 6 new characters for the Seoul Research Institute of Public Health and Environment. These characters will promote the public health and environment of the citizens.

Shin took charge of working for Public Relations while taking the Seoul Government Internship program during her last winter vacation. While taking the internship program, she proposed the renewal of the original characters and designed it herself.

There are 6 types of characters she created including ‘BO HWAN’ which represents the researchers and facilitates lively communication, ‘GAR DI’ from the field of disease, ‘LOO MI’ from the field of atmospheric environment, ‘FOO DI’ from the field of food safety, ‘AH RI’ from the field of water environment, ‘ME DI’ from the field of medicine. The names of the characters were chosen by the help from citizens and city officials through a public contest last February, which makes the names even more meaningful.


서울시보건환경연구원 캐릭터

< Photo description: The 6 characters of the Seoul Institute of Health and Environment, created by Da-bin Shin>


Shin said, “I thought that my work as an intern would be limited, but I was able to achieve successful results by having a sense of responsibility. My understanding of work and cooperation greatly improved, and I was able to specify my career. I want to thank Sookmyung Women’s University and the Seoul Human Resource Development Division for giving me this opportunity.”

She also added that it would be great to see other students take active parts in various programs at Sookmyung Women’s University, and pave their way for more opportunities. Due to her outstanding achievements including the character creations, Shin was chosen as the excellent intern and was awarded the mayor’s commendation.


신다빈 학생

< Photo description: Student Da-bin Shin being selected as an excellent intern in Seoul City Government internship program for university students.>


Chul Choi, the director of the Career Development Office, said, “We are striving to strengthen the students’ employment competency and support them finding their jobs. We will be doing our best on providing diverse high-quality opportunities for students to participate more and improve themselves.”

The career development office of Sookmyung Women’s University has been successfully managing work experience programs since the first semester of 2004. Various curriculum and extracurricular programs are included, such as SM Bridge mentoring programs, self- directed career design projects, distribution education, business practice internships, and financial support for the exam preparation class. Government business orders such as university job center projects from the Employment and Labor Department, and supporting projects of the career exploration credit system at the college of education, were also included.