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"Life in Korea was a healing time for me," said Wang Shishi, a student from China

  • Views 2024
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2022-06-08

Exchange students who go to other countries to receive local education and experience various cultures through travel or part-time work are only privileges that university students can enjoy. Wang Ziqi, a Korean language major at Sacheon University of Foreign Studies in China, also enjoyed the privilege to the fullest in the past year. Despite various restrictions such as social distance, Sookmyung News Agency met Wang Si-si, a student who said that her time as an exchange student in Korea was healing



1.  Hello, please introduce yourself briefly.

Hello, I'm Wang Si-shi from Sichuan University of Foreign Studies in China as an exchange student. I am currently majoring in Korean Language and Literature.

2.  Is there a reason why you chose our university? 

When I was in China, I went to a foreign language university where there were more women. So I thought I would be more comfortable if I came to Sookmyung Women's University. 

3.  Is there any particular reason why you chose the Korean Language and Literature Department? 

I majored in Korean at Sichuan University of Foreign Studies. After studying Korean, I became interested in Korea. I chose the Department of Korean Language and Literature because I thought I could experience their culture directly and improve my Korean language skills if I went to Korea after watching Korean dramas.  



4. Do you have any special interests or likes about Korean culture?

I like Korean dramas. When I was in China, I watched a drama called 'Hospital playlist' and it was really fun and I learned Korean while watching it.


5.  I would like to know if you have any memorable experience while working as an exchange student at Sookmyung Women's University. 

The most memorable thing was that I ate delicious food with Buddy through 'Ulink' and went to a cafe. In China, people break up with their friends right after eating, but in Korea, they usually go to cafes after meals. I'm glad to learn such cultural differences. 



6.  While living at Sookmyung Women's University, what did you feel was different from your college life in China?

Chinese universities decide all the classes that schools have to take in advance. That's why I tend to have less free time because of the heavy burden of class. On the other hand, in Korea, individuals can freely choose classes, so time management is easy and life is relatively free. I think that's the biggest difference.

7.  What was the most memorable lecture you took at our university?

"Modern Poetry Subscriptions" that I listened to this semester is the most memorable. I was able to read poetry with the professor during this class. It was difficult to fully sympathize with, but it was good to be able to exchange even a little feedback on literary poetry.

8.  What is your favorite place in our university and why?

My favorite place is the Central Library. The atmosphere is good, the environment is beautiful, and there are many books. Since I came here, I have become interested in Korean novels, so I have been going to the library a lot this semester and reading a lot of novels.

9.  You were an exchange student for a year. How did you spend your summer vacation?

I didn't have many chances to meet my friends last semester because of Corona. So while working part-time at a convenience store, I was able to interact with Koreans and experience various Korean cultures. When I had enough time, I went on a trip to Sokcho with an exchange student friend from China, and the beach was really beautiful. 



10.  What do you think this year as a student at Sookmyung Women's University will mean in your upcoming life?

For me, this year's life has been healing. When I was in my first and second year of university in China, I was busy every day because I had a lot of activities and classes. However, in Korea, I was able to apply for classes with plenty of time, and thanks to that, I had free time. Since I could travel and experience culture, I think I will be able to look back on myself and start again vigorously.


11.  Lastly, how would you like to express "Sookmyung Women's University" in one word?


"Confidence." I think Sookmyung Women's University is a confident university. Not long ago, I saw placards saying, "We are different from others" and "We are stronger than others". I sympathized with them a lot, and I felt confident that I could do anything.

Check out the interview video: Sookmyung Women's University official YouTube

Coverage: Planning coverage team 20th Kim Da-jung (media department 20), 21st Lee Soo-young (chemical bioengineering department 22)

Organization: Communication team