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President Yunkeum Chang visits Washington Alumni Association

  • Views 1577
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2022-09-16

On August 17 (Wed), President Yunkeum Chang visited the Washington Alumni Association (Branch President Jeong-hee Lee, Department of Food & Nutrition, ‘71) and had a luncheon together.


About 30 alumni including Hwan-suk Choi, Jae-ok Jang, Eun-ok Seok, Jeong-ja Lee, Haeng-ja Kim, Sook Moon, Vice President Young-ran Kim, General Secretary So-yeon Lee, and Scribe Beom-su Park attended the meeting and welcomed and strengthened solidarity with President Chang.



President Chang said, “I would like to thank my alumni for their dedication to the development of our alma mater,” and announced Sookmyung’s 2030 vision to become the “world’s best digital humanity university” and received great applause.


“I feel proud of the development of our alma mater, and I look forward to even greater development,” replied Jung-hee Lee, president of the branch.


The Washington Alumni Association is planning to hold the Alumni ssociation of America in 2024, which has not been held due to COVID-19.