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Our university’s Student Body delivers relief supplies to wildfire areas in Gangwon Province

  • Views 2996
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2019-05-07

As Gangwon Province residents have experienced tremendous losses due to the wildfires which swept through regions such as Sokcho around Apr. 4, Sookmyungians lent a helping hand.


Our university’s Student Body “Today” conducted a fundraise and delivery of relief supplies to the Gangwon Province wildfire areas from Apr. 5 (Fri) to Apr. 8 (Mon) 12 pm. The 4-day fundraise was participated by a total of 1,023 Sookmyungians, and around 18 million won were raised.


The Student Body provided basic necessities and monetary aid to the damaged areas through the fundraise and also planned a budget proposal for the Sookmyungians who suffered losses from the wildfires.


Our university’s Student Body delivers relief supplies to wildfire areas in Gangwon Province

(Photo from Left) Student Body Director of Education Autonomy Su-bin Na, Student Body Director of Social Solidarity Ga-yeong Lee, Head of Gangneung Volunteer Center Seon-jeong Kim


On Apr. 5, the first day of the fundraise, 100 bed comforters and 1,500 sanitary pads of relief supplies were delivered to the central wildfire-affected area of Hyeonnae-myeon in Goseong-gun, and 100 blankets were sent to the Sokcho City Hall. Necessities were sent in package forms to more than 70 households in Okgye, Gangneung, who weren’t able to receive sufficient relief supplies while staying at makeshift shelters.  Furthermore, for the fire victims who had nowhere to go as their homes were completely destroyed by fire among the effected residents of mountainous regions in Goseong, the volunteers decided to provide monetary aids as a designated donation through the “Fruit of Love.”


Our university’s Student Body delivers relief supplies to wildfire areas in Gangwon Province


Our university’s Student Body delivers relief supplies to wildfire areas in Gangwon Province

The essential relief supply kit sent to the wildfire victims in Gangwon Province by the Student Body


Despite the short duration of the fundraising event with hopes to provide faster help to the residents in Gangwon Province, the event proved to be very meaningful as more than 18 million won were raised through the participation of more than 1,000 people.  The number of participants is expected to be even greater if Sookmyungians who gave donations under organizational names such as the Student Body are included.


Student participant of the fundraise Yu-ri Jeon (Division of Law ‘17) said, “I felt very anxious and helpless when I heard the news of the wildfire disaster, but I was able to participate in the help when the Student Body began the fundraise right away and felt very happy that I was able to lend a warm helping hand to the victims.”