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Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities holds 2021 Empathy Week

  • Views 1420
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2021-11-15

Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities’ Center for Humanities of Sympathy has designated October 25 (Mon) to 29 (Fri) as Empathy Week, and hosts lectures, talks, field trips, and humanities experience programs such as online film festivals and colloquiums.


The “2021 Empathy Week” is an event that provides intensive humanities public lectures and humanities festival programs for a week to citizens, just like the humanities week event of the Humanities City Project successfully carried out by the Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities from 2017 to 2020. This year, enriching programs such as five lectures, two local tours, talks, online film festivals and colloquiums are being operated.


In particular, in the interview program that will be held on Thursday, October 28th, “Imaginary Representation of Hate, Meet Author Jongbeom Lee of Webtoon <Doctor Frost>,” Jongbeom Lee, author of the famous webtoon <Doctor Frost>, which has recently ended its 10-year long serialization, and comic critic Iksang Cho, are invited for a talk. In the case of the last episode, multiculturalism and hatred of the elderly are dealt with in relation to hate in our society, so it is expected that it will be a good opportunity to discuss not only the agenda of the Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities but also the issue of hate in our society as a whole.


In addition, at the colloquium scheduled for Friday, October 29, under the theme of “How a City is Memorized: Urban Memory and Representation Discourse,” Yongsan’s local private experts, local government officials, and researchers are to gather and open a forum for human discourse concerning the urban space centered on Yongsan area from various angles. 


Lastly, the online film festival is an ambitious project prepared by <2021 Empathy Week> of the Center for Humanities of Symphathy. Independent films that are not easy to access, such as <Troublers>, <Fighter>, <A Long Way to School> and <After Me Too>, have been carefully selected and to be screened online. Each of the four films deals with sexual minorities, North Korean defectors, students with disabilities, and the MeToo movement in Korea. After watching the films, you can participate in the “Online Film Festival Film Review Contest” and the winners will receive a gift voucher from a department store.



The “2021 Empathy Week” this year follows the attitude of “The Era of Hate, Response by Humanities,” the agenda of the Humanities Korea Plus project, and focuses more on the second year's research topic “The phenomenon of hate in Korean society.” It is an opportunity to share with the public the awareness and concerns of the Sookmyung Humanities Research Institute regarding hate in our time. In addition, it is expected to be the representative humanities event of the Center for Humanities of Symphathy, which stands for the purpose of the establishment of the Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities, which aims to promote creativity, transcendence, and spread, and “the humanities of empathy-collaboration-coexistence.”


You can participate in the 2021 Empathy Week by clicking the link below or by scanning the QR code in the poster.
