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[Sookmyung International Summer School Experience] I’m going overseas training with SISS!

  • Views 1644
  • Writer 총관리자
  • 보도일자 2010-09-02

Our university has now openings for SISS; (Sookmyug Internatioanl Summer School) The class run by most famous overseas universities of a great distinguished scholar’s and you can hear this lecture for 3weeks and get a grade. This program is made for purpose to develop international environment adjustment and ability. We visited them and talked directly to a participant.

"Do you remember the writing process?"
"Um... Prewriting, draft, revising, editing."

On June 30th, We went a Class room in the Sun-Hun Kwan 4th floor, they were taking lesson for ''Methods of TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)''. There were naturally asked questions and answers base on what they learned in last class. All the conversation was progressed in English. The professor continually called 9 different students name by name and asked questions but not even one student hesitated or was indecisive. The students ask questions during the study if they don’t understand the vocabulary or expression without hesitancy. No shyness.

The professor Jenny Price(29) who is from the University of Mississippi says that she was surprised how the students had a positive attitude and passions. The professor Price says, “The Sookmyung women’s university students are very smart and have strong desire to learn. If there is a boy she would get nervous but since only the girls they are very honest and express well and have a strong ability to concentrate on class, so it’s really fun to teach them”.

Teaching method is unique. She doesn’t give information one-sidedly. During the class they make team work for 3-4 people and complete the group project and randomly choose one person from the each group and let her go to other group and explain contents to them what she has learned from her own group. They get own experience of what they learned in the class (TESOL). Also studied contents of a schoolbook divided chapter by chapter can be taught the students directly.

The student name Gayoung You (05, educational psychology) applied SSIS program last semester. Gayuoung You said, “ I thought the Sookmyung International Summer School is good opportunity for achieving goal through your own effort. And it develops capability of English and even makes us experience America culture without language course.” “Since I experienced schoolbook’s subject, I can understand faster and the group conversation makes me get along with foreign students who are taking same class with me”

Her satisfaction for the SISS program was 95%. Her English ability went up high because the quality of the class is high and we never used Korean language during the class. I was wondering why she excluded 5%. She answers; there is lots of assignment with only 3 week class. But in order to class to be run smoothly assignments can’t be negligent and I had to endure to get a good result from short period of time.

The Class has one student specially stands out. Ashley Pyles (22) who is from University of Kentucky in the U.S.A., and her major is education. Her goal was to teach variety of nationality students, so she applied for Sookmyung international summer school to learn Asia Custom. But taking a course of SISS program her goal has changed. Ashley says; “I want to teach ESL Class back in the State but once I came to Korea I change mine to teach here in Korean students. SISS program “has higher quality so can learn many things and Korean students make an attempt to talk to me so we came close very fast and I’m very satisfactory. When she told me her best drink is strawberry shaved ice, so she stops by the wafer house every day to get a drink, seems like she already Sookmyung student, not a foreigner from far away.

This visiting gets nervous from the beginning. Palpitate with fear of English. But after asking the interview I wasn’t nervous anymore because the professor says “Wow then will we be famous?’ and gladly allowed us to be in the class room, above all it was delighted to see the Sookmyung’s people developing through the SISS program. The overseas training is not the only proper way.
If you practically use this genius SISS program we can exceed the overseas students.