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President of PNU the world's largest women's university in Saudi Arabia visited Sookmyung

  • Views 1767
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2013-12-30

The group of four visitors including Huda bint Mohammad Al-Ameel the President of PNU showed interest in our advanced online education system and research infrastructure. The visitors met with President Hwang Sun-hye, and promised to build a long-term cooperative relationship as women-only universities that represent the respective nations.



PNU is the largest women-only university in Saudi Arabia, and was founded in 1970.King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz launched the building of the world's largest and most mordern women's institution of higher education in a self-contained higher education city. The university is composed of 32 campuses across the Riyadh region with 10 colleges and postgraduate/doctoral programs. There are over 52,000 students enrolled in this university. The King named the university after Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman, the sister of King Abdulaziz.




They showed interested in our advanced teaching & learning system, research facilities and libraries, and especially they were impressed by our online education infrastructure after visiting the OCW Studio and the editorial room. Also, they visited most of the laboratories in the College of Natural Sciences to see the level of our research equipment and facilities, and further discussed the areas that the two universities could conduct joint researches. In addition, they visited the Institute of Career Development, Research Support Center, and the central library and learned how we are operating our divisions and facilities.




On that day, President Hwang Sun-hye and President Al-Ameel came to an agreement to build a long-term cooperative relationship by exchanging professors and students and conducting joint researches. President Al-Ameel said, "The both universities, as the best women's university in each country, have been excellently playing the roles in society, and it has been a good opportunity for us to learn the advanced education and research system that Sookmyung Women's University has".