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APWINC held the launching ceremony of the R&D team for the ASEAN-Korea cooperation project

  • Views 1944
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2022-06-21

On May 20th, as part of the ASEAN-Korea cooperation project, “Enhancing Digital Economy Participation for ASEAN Women MSMEs” was announced by the The Asia Pacific Women's Information Network Center (Director, Professor Jung-in Jo), a UNESCO chair in Sookmyung Women’s University, at the inauguration ceremony of the R&D team of the project that was held non-face-to-face video.




The R&D team consists of 12 digital economy and e-Business experts, including 10 local consultants selected from 10 ASEAN countries and 2 Korean consultants. At the inauguration ceremony, 22 relevant people, which included local consultants in Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, and the Philippines, as well as officials from the ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN-Korea Programme Management Team (AKPMT), participated to confirm the goals of the ASEAN-Korea cooperative project, and shared the major roles of the R&D team and the annual activity schedule.


The R&D team plans to develop curriculum and contents to revitalize e-business in ASEAN region by identifying the current status and needs of the digital economy and e-business fields of 10 ASEAN countries. In addition, the team is to promote joint researches to find solutions that can improve the participation of ASEAN women in the digital economy. There is also a plan to develop an e-Business Training Toolkit by the end of this year based on a preliminary survey in the field.



Jae-hwan Kwon, Team Leader of the ASEAN-Korea Programme Management Team (AKPMT), said, “Through this project, we will strengthen ties between Korea and ASEAN countries and utilize the digital economy and e-commerce for women’s small businesses (MSMEs: Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) and look forward to the various roles of the R&D team to improve the economy,” and “The ASEAN-Korea Programme Management Team will actively participate in establishing a process for fostering a sense of community between Korea and ASEAN countries.”


Jung-in Jo, director of The Asia Pacific Women's Information Network Center, emphasized that “a country can also change when women become leaders of change” and “I hope that all consultants will actively participate to strengthen the competitiveness of ASEAN small business owners and the empowerment of ASEAN women.”




In September of last year, The Asia Pacific Women's Information Network Center was officially approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the ASEAN-ROK Cooperation Fund (AKCF) as an implementing agency for the “ASEAN Women Small Businesses' Digital Economy Participation Improvement Project.” This project, which aims to strengthen the e-business capabilities of ASEAN female small business owners, is expected to invest approximately 6.7 billion won over five years from 2022 to 2026. 14 partner organizations in ASEAN region, 255 e-business experts, and about 4,000 female small business owners and prospective small business owners are expected to benefit from this project.


The Asia Pacific Women's Information Network Center started the project in January of this year and successfully held the first international meeting of the project steering committee in last March. This time, it launched an R&D team consisting of 12 experts in the fields of digital economy and e-Business. In September, a working committee meeting is planned, and in November, a “training toolkit development workshop” is to be held in ASEAN countries.