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Professor Si-hyun Ham receives Woman Science Technician of the Year Award

  • Views 798
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2015-01-13

The Woman Science Technician of the Year Award is awarded to female scientists who have excelled in the field of science for the past year, and Professor Si-hyun Ham of our university was selected this year. Professor Ham was selected as the award winner in the natural science field, and received a trophy and cash prize at the awards ceremony on the December 16th 2014, at the Renaissance Hotel in Seoul.


Professor Ham spent a busy year this year. She revealed the mechanism of protein cohesion that is the cause of Alzheimer's disease, cancer and mad cow disease, etc., and published the front cover article in the top academic journal in chemistry, Angewandte Chemie. She was also selected as a major foundation science project for the Future Technology Training business of Samsung.

Professor Ham said, "I believe this is an award for the members of my research lab, who believe in me despite my insufficiency and work hard with me," and added, "I thank the university and the National Research Foundation for their support. I will continue to focus on research and work hard to achieve results," as she received the award. Professor Ham revealed that she would like to donate the entire cash prize to her alma mater.


The Woman Science Technician of the Year Award is an award given to women scientists who have contributed to development of science and technology through excellent research and development performance. It was enacted to motivate woman scientists and technicians, and attract excellent woman human resources t to the field of science and technology. It has been awarded each year since 2001, and a total of three award winners are selected -- one from each field of natural science, engineering and promotion. This year, Professor Hye-sook Lim of the Department of Electrical Engineering of Ewha Women's University was selected for the engineering category, and honorary researcher Hyang-sook Yoo of the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology was selected for the promotion category, along with Professor Si-hyun Ham.