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SMU President Chang and UChicago President Alivisatos Have a Meeting to Discuss Joint Research and Student Exchange

  • Views 595
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2024-04-16

President Chang Yunkeum (left) and President of University of Chicago Paul Alivisatos

Sookmyung Women's University pushed for international exchange in research and student exchange with the University of Chicago, known as one of the most prestigious universities in the U.S.

On Apr. 15 (local time), President Chang Yunkeum had a meeting with President Paul Alivisatos at the University of Chicago. The meeting was also attended by the Director of International Affairs Jeon Se-jae and the Director of External Affairs & Communication Jeong Ki-eun. 

The University of Chicago, a private university established in 1890, is globally preeminent in social sciences including economics. They are well known for having produced over 90 Nobel Prize winners.

The presidents of the universities discussed research exchanges between their graduate schools and research centers and joint research between their professors. In addition, they agreed to seek out ways to dispatch outstanding natural sciences or engineering graduate students and to operate a short-term exchange program for undergraduate students.

(from left) Director of International Affairs Jeon Se-jae, President Chang Yunkeum, Vice Director of UChicago Office of International Affairs Katie Hrinyak, and Manager of UChicago Office of International Affairs Carmen Bello