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Sookmyung International House Haebang Tower Holds “Breakfast Together” Event

  • Views 927
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2024-04-26

Sookmyung International house Haebang Tower held a "Breakfast Together" Event to encourage international students during the examination period.

On Apr. 26, President Chang Yunkeum, Vice President Park Jong-seong, and faculty members at Sookmyung Women's University shared a meal with the international students at Haebang Tower, listening to their suggestions and difficulties of living abroad.

Around 130 students spent time communicating with the school, with sandwiches, juice, and coffee provided by the school. Housemistress Yang Yeong-ah said, “We held this event to encourage our international students during the examination period. The event was well-received by students, which was very inspiring.”

Sookmyung Women's University will provide breakfast for its students once a week until June. Sandwiches, bagels, and coffee will be served as breakfast at the lounge on the fourth floor of Haebang Tower 8AM–10AM on Tuesday and Friday every other week. The school plans to diversify the menu, taking students’ preferences into account.

Haebang Tower, located in Yongsan-dong 2(i)-ga, Yongsan-gu, opened its doors in February to replace the outdated international students’ dormitory.

The second, third, and fourth floors of the four-story building are leased as dormitories. As of the first semester of 2024, a total of 177 international students are living in Haebang Tower. The dormitory provides single rooms, triple rooms, and quad rooms with a laundry room, kitchen, lounge, cafeteria, and communal showers. Dormitory residents can get a discount at the coffee shop and bar on the rooftop.

The International House Haebang Tower, indoor and outdoor views