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2022 Fall exchange students notice

  • Views 7704
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2022-05-10



Dear 2022 Fall exchange students


Warm greetings from Sookmyung! Hope you are all excited coming to Seoul, Sookmyung! 

More important updates will be announced through here, so kindly make sure to check frequently! :)



-------------------------- updates ---------------------------

(6/9) Refer to our earlier email and make sure you upload the revised document. Make sure your file is downloadable, with no file error.

(6/22) Pre-arrival info, and dormitory official notice link updates!

(6/29) Manual guideline for Int'l housing application process

(7/7) Course change dates revised. Updated on Pre-Arrival

        [Revised] Aug. 24(Wed) 08:00~17:00, Aug. 25(Thur) 08:00~17:00

(7/22) PCR test requirement change upon your arrival in Korea

 - Previously : PCR test within 3 days / 입국 후 3일 이내

 - Changed (applied starting on July 25th, 2022 / Korean time) : PCR within 1 day (accepted till the next day) 

  / 입국 후 1일 이내 (입국일 다음날까지 인정함)

(7/26) 1. Make sure you stay qurantined until your PCR result is officially negative. Make sure to report SMU as well. 

2. Registering PRC result on Q-CODE (After entry, make sure to update your PCR result on Q-CODE)


(8/03) 1. Make sure to go through RAT(rapid antigen test) on the 6th day of arrival in Korea and submit the result.

2. Make sure to submit your phone and address to SMU OIA via google survey that will be sent out shortly.

----------------------------------------------------------COVID 19 RELATED ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Kindly make sure to fill out the google survey as soon as you receive your PCR result upon your arrival in Korea and on the 6th date RAT result, both mandatory. 😃* Those who have not submitted their flight info, kindly update within the link below.
Those who are already in Korea, please make sure to submit this asap, and both 1st day and 6th day results if needed.

★ In any case you are positive, please report us via email to this account and stay self-quarantine at your current place, follow the quarantine guidelines.
If you are staying at SMU Int'l house, please follow their instructions.

For updated info, please use google chrome for translations of your language to check the notice.
▶ [1st date of arrival] COVID 19 PCR Test Result Requirement
https://forms.gle/tb7zzaVaw28uJFtW6 - Please make sure to update on your Q-code as well. - If you do not go through PCR, you may face around approx. 2000USD fine and other legal issues that may affect your visa. - Make sure you are quarantined until your PCR result is negative. - In any case, you are positive, please make sure to report to us as well. ▶ [6th date of arrival] COVID 19 RAT Result Requirementhttps://forms.gle/TBB2HBqxyCrWfeXSA
- Mandatory 
- In any case, you are positive, please make sure to report to us as well. Make sure to check other important dates and notices from general notice! http://e.sookmyung.ac.kr/bbs/sookmyungen/77/156813/artclView.do?layout=unknown 
▶ [10th date of arrival] Keep self-monitoring(수동감시)
- Please make sure to wear KF94 (or equivalent) masks, at all times
- Refrain from using/visiting facilities with high risk of infection, and try to avoid private gatherings
- In any case, you are positive, please make sure to report to us as well.


◆ Pre-Arrival Information: http://www.sookmyung.ac.kr/bbs/sookmyungen/77/157987/artclView.do?layout=unknown

◆ Int'l house notice: http://dorm.sookmyung.ac.kr/gboard/bbs/board.php?bo_table=international&wr_id=162


◆ Manual for how to apply Int'l house : 



◆ 2022 Fall orienation : Aug 18(Thur), via ZOOM (it will be online, so you do not have to worry about arriving date)

     Time: TBA 


◆ 2022 Fall semester : Sept 1st ~ Dec 21,2022


◆ 2022 Fall Online application deadline: ~ May 31, 2022



   : Make sure you to frequent check your online application uploaded document submission status 

     APPROIVED : O, REJECT: You need to reupload or supplement according to the notes.

     Please check the attached file for actual screenshot samples! 


Your letter of accpetance will be issued when documents are well submitted.


◆ International Dormitory Housing Incoming

- Apply for international housing: July 11th~15th, 2022

- Dorm check-in date : Aug 24th, 2022 ~ (Weekend not avaialble) 

                           Please check the specific hours from dorm.sookmyung.ac.kr 

  Office Hours: 9:00~20:30 (Lunch 12:00~13:00, Dinner: 18:00~19:00)


◆ International Dormitory Housing Contact  -- Int'l housing is a separate dept. Please feel free to contact them directly.

- Website: http://dorm.sookmyung.ac.kr/

- E-mail: inthouse@sm.ac.kr

- Even if you have Q-CODE valid QR , you need to have the 1st day PCR or RAT(Rapid antigen test)negative result to enter the dormitory.

ie.) Day 1: Arrival in Korea & PCR or RAT test in local health community center by an expert (보건소)

     Day 2: PCR or RAT by an expert result negative > Go to dormitory 

    ** RAT done by yourself result will not be accpeted. It has to be done by the expert.

[UPDATED] As PCR test within 3 days upon arrival is mandatory, for those who apply dorm, you may consider below (2022.5.23)

Sample 1

Day 1: Arrival in Korea > Go to a near hospital Sookmyung > Take RAT(fee charged) > Receive negative RAT result > Go to dorm

Day 2: Go to a local community health center(용산구보건소) for PCR > Check PCR negative result

Sample 2

Day 1: Arrival in Korea > Go to self-quarantine housng(fee charged, ie. Global E&S), Take PCR from local community health center 

          > Wait for PCR result

Day 2~3: Go to the dorm if the PCR result is negative

This is only refernce, and actual schedules may differ depending on the COVID19 situation and your arrival time in Korea (ie.daytime, night time)

◆ Where can I take RAT near the campus? 

대한민국의원 (Dae Han Min Kuk medical center) - you may choose other hospital. Note that we are not officially associated.

Tel : 1644-5275

Address : 서울 용산구 청파로47길 7 3층, 4층

Website: http://medikorea.org/

Fee: Approx 35,000 KRW (around 35USD)

Result will be issued within 15 min.

Office hours: 8:30AM~16:30PM

* Kindly check the medical center website for updated info 


◆ Self-Quarantine Housing: https://stay4korea.com/ (Global E&S)

- You may apply for short-term period of self-quarantine as well. Please feel free to contact them dirctly for more info and reservation.

- This self-qurantine housing fee is charged to applicant directly.

- You may apply for global e&s pick-up service(fee charged). Due to covid19, buddy pick-up is likely not be avaiable for 2022 Fall.


◆ Official website regarding COVID19 : http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/en/


◆ Quarantine regarding COVID19 : Please maks sure to check the embassy's website for up-to-date gudieliens.


- Please refer to the attached file for 2022 May 23rd Pre-depature negative COVID19 requirement


- Q-CODE :For those who have been vaccinated. Make sure if your vaccine is accepted in Korea.

- Website : https://cov19ent.kdca.go.kr/cpassportal/biz/beffatstmnt/main.do?lang=en

- How to check your vaccine acceptance: Website > Notice > FAQ > Who is considered vaccinated?

- Manual guide : PDF file attached. 

(You may downloand from Q-CODE website > Notice > Notice)


** If you are OR not vaccinated please make sure to arrange your flight dates and considering the self-quanrantine peirod 

    and check the COVID19 policies regarding entrance.

** As COVID19 self-quarantine policies may change, the infomation above are subject to change.


◆ Medical Check-up

- All catergories and form 1 and 2 is mandatory.

- If you have trouble taking X-ray in your home country, please refer to the below.

Though not officially affiliated, it is one of the hospitals noticed by our international dormitory, approx. 10 min walk from the dorm.

Please make sure you take the test within 7 days of arrival. 

In any case, you are COVID19 confirmed case, you need to have it done after qurantine is finished.

Usually it does not require reservation. 


Website: http://www.maumdam.com/index.asp
Tel: 02-798-7550

Chest X-ray fee: approx. 20,000 KRW (The fee may change, usually around 20~30 USD)

◆ Health Insurance 


Regarding natioanl health issurance: http://e.sookmyung.ac.kr/bbs/sookmyungen/77/145405/artclView.do?layout=unknown

Official website of NHIShttps://www.nhis.or.kr/static/html/wbd/g/a/wbdga0101.html

We require health insurance certificate that will cover as below.

: Your depatature from home coutnry <> Until you depart Korea

* National health care (mandatory for all exchange students) will be automatically initiated when the student receives foreign registration card and number. Note that as it is usually taking up to 2 months now, we would recommend as below.

1) Departure from home country <> First two months in Korea : private insurance that covers abroad --- needs to be uploaded on the system

2) After two months(assuming that foreign registration card has been issued) : Automatically under national health insurance


Arrivate date in Korea (Aug 15th) , Departarting Korea (Dec 22)

Private insurance : Aug 15th~Oct 20

Korean national health insurance : Oct 20~Dec 22

* If your health foreign registration card is issued earlier than expected, there may be overlapping period of both insurance.

Note that it is very important to have your health insurance covered, as there are cases of getting hurt, or going to hopsital unexpectedly.

Even if you are covered under health insurance from your home coutry, Korea NHIS is mandatory for all international students.

◆ Course search : 2022 Fall courses are expected to be fixed around 2022 Aug. 

- Please refer to the below for current and previous semester references. 

- Currently following Min. of Education guidelines, many of the classes are changing to face-to-face.

  Kindly understand that we can not confirm the type of lectures at the moment. 


English Taught Course – Undergraduate Program

http://e.sookmyung.ac.kr > Academics > Search for Course Time Schedule> Type of lecture > English


* All information is subject to change. We will do our best to have it updated frequently.

Thank you for your understanding in advance.


Thank you.

