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[COVID-19] Guidance on safe summer vacation measures in preparation for COVID-19

  • Views 2438
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2021-07-05

< Detailed quarantine measures for each facility >


Facility classification

Detailed measures for each facility

1. Vacation spots & recreational facilities, etc.


· Real-time information on congestion level of beach in nationwide (congestion traffic light system) ; Dense (Red), Dense Concern (Yellow), Moderate (Blue)

· Attach body temperature sticker, check temperature, wear safety wristband

· Pre-booking system (50 locations nationwide), site allocation system for each section of white sandy beach, selection and promotion of secluded beaches

· Recommendation to ban drinking and eating at night

Amusement facilities such as water parks etc.

· Posting and guiding the number of users, and marked the distance interval of waiting areas

· Limit the number of people in public space, use a cabinet spaced apart

· Use of outdoor resting area

Valleys and rivers

· Installing tents, mats, etc. (more than 2m) apart

· Management of people using public facilities and multi-use facilities

Major tourist attractions

· Recommendation to limit the passengers of the cable car (within 50%)

· Limit the number of users and mark the distance interval at the ticketing booth etc.

· One-way operation

· Recomended to refrain from using large-sized bus parking lots and prohibit parking near tourist attractions

National parks, etc.

· Recommended limit to 50% of cable car passengers.

· Refrain from group visits, maintain and manage the appropriate density of indoor facilities

Other Major Facilities

·(ZOO) Establishment and posting of the number of people using indoor viewing facilities

·(National Institute of Ecology) Limiting the number of visitors to indoor exhibition facilities at all times, encouraging the use of outdoor facilities by holding events using outdoor facilities, etc.

·(Biological Resources Hall) Advance reservations online, limit the number of people less than 100 per hour, and closed exhibition hall if necessary

Summer festival

· Open as non-face-to-face as possible

· When holding a face-to-face festival, focus on outdoor events, recommend online reservations in advance, limit the number of admissions, separate entrances and exits, move in one direction, refrain from providing events and group meals



2. Accommodation, Entertainment, Transportation facilities


· Reservation limit for more than 5 people or more(8 people for immediate family)

Entertainment facilities, etc.

· Compliance with business hours, restriction of the number of users, management of the list of visitors, and active inspection of those with symptoms(employee) and fever check.

Transportation facilities

· Railway stations, terminals, airports : installation of thermal imaging cameras, separation of passenger lines, activation of non-face-to-face check-in such as self-check-in, provide of hand sanitizer, etc.

· Rest area: Installation of transparent screens for restaurants and cafe tables, preparation of entry lists, separation of passengers' movements, provide hand sanitizers, staying for a minimum time etc.

3. Recreation and outdoor sports viewing in the city center

Museum, Art gallery

· Posting the number of users and operating the advance pre-booking system

Concert hall

· Online pre-booking is recommended as much as possible, and visitors can enter with a time difference

· Induce the distribution of multi-use spaces and refrain from bringing in or consuming food

· Floor sticker measures, etc. to induce distancing

· Recommend to use outdoor smoking room

Movie theater

· Wear a mask, preferably online pre-booking

· Visitors can enter with a time difference

Baseball, soccer, etc.

· Recommend online pre-booking, and use of personal items such as cheering tools

· Securing an independent space for patients with symptoms where they can wait

· Refrain from activities and events that may induce contact between persons