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[2021-Fall] Returning school and leave of absence

  • Views 2123
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2021-06-11


Dear International studnets,

Please check the procedures of applying for a leave of absence and returning to school as below: smile


1. Return to School


Issuing Cerficate of Admission for D-2 visa


- Please inform OIA of your return(studyabroad@sookmyung.ac.kr) beforehand to be issued a new certificate of admission(표준입학허가서). Students that need to obtain D2 visa must contact OIA and go through the visa application process.

Required documents to issue the certificate of admission: Preliminary application A copy of your passport, Documented proof of your financial ability ($20,000)

Please submit documents above from 14th June through 16th July at studyabroad@sm.ac.kr  


Please be informed that you SHOULD register your “return to school (복학)” visa SMU portal according to SMU academic schedule as below


  - Application (Registration) period : 

    [undergraduate] 02nd August ~ 7th September 2021, 17:00

    [Graduate] 02nd August ~ 6th September 2021, 17:00

  - Fulfill your online application on the internet as follows

    [Sookmyung Portal System at https://portal.sookmyung.ac.kr/irj/portal] [학사 Graduate] [학적 Register] → 

[복학 Return to School]


  In order to register courses Fall 2021, returning to school registration and tuition payment should be completed beforehand.


2. Leave of Absence & Extend the period

- Application period : 14th June ~ 10th September 17:00

- Duration : Maximum 3 years

- Freshmen are not allowed to take a leave of absence in their first semester of study

- Fill out all the information in the given form, sign it and submit it to studyabroad@sm.ac.kr within the given schedule.

- If you fail to register before the given due date it will result in dismissal.

- If you apply to take a leave of absence after the registration period is over, you must pay the tuition fee



Effective date for reasoning of refund

Amount of refund 

14 August(Fri)~14 September (Tue), 17:00

100% refund of tuition fees

15 September (Wed)~ 30 September (Thus), 17:00

5/6 amount of tuition fees

01 October (Fri)~ 01 November (Mon), 17:00

2/3 amount of tuition fees

2 November (Tue)~30 November (Tue) 17:00

1/2 amount of tuition fees

01 December (wed)~06 December (Mon), 17:00

No refund



For your information,

  - Students are advised to check in advance for your flight schedule to Korea which has been reduced due to the COVID 19 so that there will be no disruption to the 2021 Fall academic schedule. Please also note that as of the current Korean government’s policy, foreign immigrants must self-contain for 14 days, so please refer to your return schedule

  - Due to self-contain period of 14 days, students entering the International House at SMU should use a single room during Fall 2021. If you want to use a double or triple room, you can change your room from Spring 2022. Additional information regarding housing will be provided later.

  - Medical examinations are required within 48 hours prior to the visa application date. Also, Quarantine consent should be submitted for applying a new visa to enter Korea.


3. Extend D-2 visa for thesis completion, graduate students only

  1) Applicant: Graduate students who do not pass thesis for graduate in Spring 2021, and are required to complete thesis while staying in Korea.

  2) Applicant completes the “Academic Advisor’s Confirmation on the Thesis Advisory Schedule” and obtains the signature of the advise professor and OIA. Then, submit the form with required documents for D-2 visa extension (application, a copy of passport, alien registeration card, fee, certificate of completion, financial statement, grade certificate) to HiKorea at




Undergraduate students who complete courses at SMU are not eligible to extend D-2 visa

D-2 visa extesion is not available for students who are staying for reasons other than thesis



For details and eligiblities, please contact the immigration office calling at 1345