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International Students Services

[EVENT] SMU Interview Project - Please share your stories here in Sookmyung

  • Views 2570
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2021-06-30



SMU Interview Project - Please share your stories here in Sookmyung



As an international students, please share your memories here in Sookmyung with Korean students through interviews.

The students of Sookmyung Interpretation Volunteers (SMIV) will interview you with your mother tongue language and make you have 

enjoyable experience.😆


Interview section includes games and we will give you SMU goods for every participants.

We are going to make it to the VOD clip so that we upload it at SMU homepage, official youtube channel, also the magazines.


The interview will conducted two ways, offline and online. You can choose the way and date you prefer.

Please click the link below to participate in this interview.




Should you have any inquiries, pleaes do not hesitate to contact us. : )

*contacts: inbound.exchange@sookmyung.ac.kr / 02-710-9256