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International Students Services

[Notice] Suspension of the 'Foreigners-only class' for [Thinking and Academic Writing] and [Critical Thinking and Discussion]

  • Views 1688
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2021-03-23


'외국인 전용' 교양필수 교과목 운영 중지 알림

Notice on the suspension of the 'Foreigners-only class' for

[Thinking and Academic Writing] and [Critical Thinking and Discussion]




1. 교과목명 : 융합적 사고와 글쓰기(21002930), 비판적 사고와 토론(21002931)

   Course Name : Thinking and Academic Writing, Critical Thinking and Discussion


2. 운영기한 : 2021학년도 2학기까지

   Operating term : Until the 2nd semester of 2021 school year


3. 비고 : 2021학년도 2학기가 마지막 '외국인 전용' 분반 운영이며, 2022학년도 1학기부터는 일반 분반을 수강해야 함.

   Note : The 'Foreigners-only class' of these two subjects will only be opened until the 2nd semester of 2021 school year. Starting from the 1st semester of 2022 school year, the ‘Foreigners-only class’ of the two subjects will no longer operate, so please make sure to take the mentioned two courses within the 2nd semester of 2021 school year. From 2022 school year, you should take the general division of the two subjects.