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International Students Services

[Notice] Abolition of scholarship for outstanding international students in general graduate school

  • Views 1912
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2021-03-23

「일반대학원 학업 우수 유학생 대상 지원금」 폐지 알림

Notice on the abolition of 「Scholarship for outstanding international students in general graduate school」





1. 적용시기 : 2022학년도 1학기부터

   Operating term : From 1st semester of 2022 school year


2. 비고 : 현재 재학생은 2021학년도까지 지원되며, 2021학년도 입학생은 해당사항 없음.

   Note : Students admitted before 2021(including class of '20) will be given this scholarship until 2021.
            Students who entered the school in 2021 are not eligible for this scholarship.