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<2021 GKS guideline>

  • Views 5208
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2021-02-15

** Updates **



- I’m applying for Korean track major(ie. Korean Lang&Lit) Can I submit my English language score?(ie. Ielts, toeic?)

- I want to apply for TESOL MA. However, there seems to be only Ph.D course. What should I do?

- Do I have to send the documents separately?

- In what order should I submit the duplicate copy and Sookmyung only required documents?



* excel file: added recommendation letters on the [Read first] sheet.

- do I need to notarize the passport/id cards or family relationship?

- Porfolio, peformance requirement in English PDF added

Do I have to put a name tag on my portfolio or usb?



- How many GKS applicants will Sookmyung select and recommend to NIIED?

Visual & Media Design portfoliio: 10 (added) primary main Portfolio pieces


- How and when will the interview date be?

- A quick notice for embassy track applicants

- Document submission date CHANGE


- Excel file updated (personal info: updated in green) and check list update

- Your most recently univ gradauted should be B.A. if you're applying for M.A. and M.A, if applying for Ph.D.

- don'f forget to number your awards and publications

- Please send us the files via email before you actually send the original for check in advance



- An actual sample of applicant is on pg 38. 69

Since I am married, can I submit family certificate from my husband's family, or my currently family?


Those who are applying for Culture, Tourism & Hospitality Management

>>>>> Desired field of study on application form, choose [SOCIAL SCIENCE]



Warm Greetings from Sookmyung.

Thank you for your interest in applying to our university.



1.Refer to the attached PDF 

: Sookmyung guideline and actual samples attached. 

Make sure to read this first before you start the preparation! :)



2.Refer to the Excel file : Submission mandatory



3.Sookmyung GKS-G program deadline

2021.March 12th(Fri) 16:00  >>>>> [changed] 2021. March 26th(Fri) 16:00



Qucik search for Pdf file

Press [ctrl] and [F] key. when the search pops up, type in the keyword

ie. birth certificate, TOPIK, portfolio etc...


General Outline of GKS graduate program (NIIED)



2021 GKS Graduate notice (NIIED official notice)



Regarding GKS, please refer to the NIIED policy first. We have our own deadline above.


Below you may find general info about our graduation program. 

As we require some additional documents -ie. family relationship- other than GKS general documents,

please refer to the below admission guideline.


■ Gradaute school admission guideline



Major website (Please access through google and use translation) - This is only reference, make sure to check the majors on Int’l students admission guideline



Course Description in English



Curriculum recently opened




 * Notes:  If you plan to study Natural Sciences or Engineering, make sure to contact the professor in your field of interest in advance regarding your study, lab etc.


- Make sure your field of interest is offered in English from our admission gudieline. As 2021 Fall admisson gudieline not finalized, refer only as a refernece.

- If you apply for English track major, note that you will need to meet both language requirements. (NIIED: Korean, Sookmyung: Your language track and min. level)


We hope this helps your understanding.

Also please note that we only receive female applicants, as we are a women's university. 


Note that if your email inquiry is included int the attached PDF file, the response may be delayed.

We wish you all the best and feel free to contact us should you have other inquiries. admission@sm.ac.kr

Thank you.





This notice will be updated if needed and noted below.

* Last updated: 2021.3.3