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Corona 19 Social Distancing Adjusted to Level 1 (from Oct.12) 코로나 19 사회적 거리두기 1단계 조정(10월 12월 부터 시행)

  • Views 1635
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2020-10-26

Dear Students,

The Korean governmnet adjusted Corona 19 Social Distancing to Level 1 from Oct. 12.

Please follow the revised plan below:

You can also find the translated file in attachment.

1. MeetingGatheringEvent


(Metropolitan area) Adviced to refrain from more than 50indoor, 100outdoor persons.

           (Exhibition, Festivals, Big-scale concerts, Academic Event 1person per 4)

(Non-Metropolitan area) Permitted

           (Exhibition, Expo, Festival, Big-scale concerts, Academic Event 1person per 4


2. High-Risk Facilities (11 Facilities*)

High-Risk Facilities (11 Facilities*)

(National) Prohibiting the collection of direct sales promotion centers, such as door-to-door sales, and mandating the prevention of epidemics on 11 types of facilities.

* Entertainment bars such as clubs, colladiscotech, karaoke bars, club style bars, hunting pocha, singing practice areas, distribution and logistics centers,

Indoor standing performance hall, indoor group exercise, large academy (300 or more), Buffet


3. Other Multi-use Facilities(16 types of facilities)

(Metropolitan area) Mandatory 16 types of high-risk prevention regulations, such as restaurants and cafes.

(Non-metropolitan area) Recommend to comply social distancing rules


4. Sports Event

(National) Limiting the number of Audience(up to 30%)


5. National and Public Facilities

(National) Operation is possible; limited personnel (up to 50%)


6. Church

(Metropolitan area) Face-to-face worship is possible, but limit the number of people, meetings and meals are prohibited.

(non-metropolitan area) implemented according to local circumstances.


7. Social Welfare Facilities, Day care Centers

(National) Operation is possible(in strict compliance with quarantine rules)


8. Agency/ Enterprise

(National) Public: Minimize work density, such as flexibility and work from home (1/3 of the total number of employees)

Private sector: Recommend to revitalize flexibility, work from home etc.


코로나 19관련 사회적 거리두기가 10월 12일자로 1단계로 조정됩니다.

아래 사항을 확인해주십시오.


1. 집합모임행사

(수도권) 실내 50, 실외 100명 이상 자제 권고

           (전시회,박람회,축제,대규모 콘서트,학술행사는 41)

(비수도권) 허용

           (전시회,박람회,축제,대규모 콘서트,학술행사는 41)


2. 고위험 시설(11종 시설*)

(전국) 방문판매 등 직접판매홍보관 집합금지, 11종 시설 방역수칙 의무화

     * 클럽 등 유흥주점, 콜라텍, 단란주점, 감성주점, 헌팅포차, 노래연습장, 유통물류센터,

       실내 스탠딩 공연장, 실내집단운동, 대형학원(300명 이상),뷔페


3. 이외 다중이용시설(16종 시설)

(수도권) 식당,카페 등 위험도 높은 16종 방역수칙 의무화

(비수도권) 생활 속 거리두기 수칙 권고


4. 스포츠 행사

(전국) 관중 수 제한(최대 30%)


5. 국공립시설

(전국) 운영 가능, 인원 제한(최대 50%)


6. 교회

(수도권) 대면 예배 가능하되 인원 제한, 모임식사 금지

(비수도권) 지역 상황에 따라 시행


7. 사회복지시설, 어린이집

(전국) 운영 가능(방역수칙 철저 준수)


8. 기관기업

(전국) 공공 : 유연재택근무 등 근무밀집도 최소화(전체 인원의 1/3)

       민간 : 유연재택근무 등 활성화 권고