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[OIA] The additional delay of offline classes and extension of online classes to prevent the spread of COVID-19

  • Views 1478
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2020-04-07


  Due to the current situation where continuous spread of the COVID-19 is occurring within small groups and foreign arrivals, our university has decided that starting offline classes on 4/13(Mon.) would technically be difficult. Thus, abiding to the decision of the Committee for Disease Control(4/2/20), our school is to additionally delay the start of offline classes and extend online classes. The specifics are as follows.



Current Dates

(3.19 Notice)

Changed Dates

(4/6 Notice)


Online Class Period

4 Weeks


7 Weeks


- If COVID-19 does not stabilize, online classes will be extended all through the semester. However, experimental ·practical subjects will start offline classes starting from 5/4.

(Preventive measures should be strictly taken)

Start of Offline Classes



- Offline classes starts

Last day of the semester



- Should experimental·practical subjects need supplementary classes, then it is possible for those classes to extend their class period to 7/11(Sat.)

Summer Semester



- 2 additional classes in the weekend are expected to proceed

 Midterms(4/27~5/9) will proceed with online exams, assignments or no exams at all. It is the designated professor’s discretion to be decided. However offline exams can proceed after 5/4(Mon.).

 Follow-up measures in detail regarding the delay of offline classes and the extension of online classes will be notified additionally.