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[국제팀-OIA] 코로나19 확산방지를 위한 온라인 강의기간 연장 및 학사일정 추가 변경 안내

  • Views 1791
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2020-03-24
  우리 대학은 국내 코로나19 감염자 추가 발생에 대비하고 지역사회 확산을 예방하기 위하여 개강 후 온라인 강의기간 연장 및 학사일정 추가 변경 방안을 마련하고 '감염증관리위원회(2020.3.19 개최)'의 승인을 거쳐 다음과 같이 공고합니다.

다             음



To prevent the rapid spread of COVID-19 in the community, SMU has decided to extend the online courses offering for two more weeks (March 16 ~ April 11). 

It may be extended longer and in this case, we will give you the notice again.  

The face-to-face classes are planned on Monday, April 13. The last day of the spring semester is remained the same as previous change.

Please refer to the table below for a summary of this change of the academic schedule.





Online course offering

2 weeks

(Mar. 16~ Mar. 28

4 weeks4 weeks


The online course may be extended according to situation of COVID 19

Face-to-face classes open

Monday, Mar. 30

Monday, April 13

Classroom course starts

Last day of the spring semester

Saturday, June 27

Saturday, June 27

There might be some extension of courses until July 2 due to makeup course schedule.


We hope that every students keep in mind the importance of the following the basic guidelines to avoid the infection of the COVID-19 to ensure the safety of your-self and the community of Sookmyung.  

If there are any further changes, we will keep you informed.