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[Undergraduates] Notification regarding the start of offline class and change of online class plans this semester(2020-1)

  • Views 2444
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2020-04-24

Considering the safety of our students from the COVID-19, our university will abide to the decisions of the Committee of Disease Control (meeting held on 2020.04.23.) and therefore will courses consisting of experiment·training·practice classes will officially start offline classes and theory and theory·training classes will continue online throughout the rest of this semester(2020-1). Please refer to the following content for further detail.


As the offline classes begin, our school is planning to take full preventive measures against COVID-19 in regards to the safety of all students and faculty members. Thus, the school gives request to all individuals in school to follow along the school’s guidelines on COVID-19 and maintain one’s personal hygiene in good condition as a form of cooperation with the school in order to safely proceed offline classes.



Changes in class plans [Undergraduates and all graduates included]


Type of Class


Courses with both theory and theory·training classes*

- Online Class Period : Extended to the entire semester(1st Semester)

- Last day of the semester : 6/27(Sat.)

Experiment·Training·Practice Courses

(Course which requires ‘0’ theory class hours

- Offline classes allowed starting from 5/4(Mon.)

- Last day of the semester : 6/27(Sat.)
(To satisfy the required class days, concentrated supplementary classes can proceed in the following period:6/29(Mon.)~7/11(Sat.)

* Few of the theory·training courses and capstone design/project courses which qualify the bottom criteria(~) is able to proceed offline classes with the approval of the dean of academic affairs

  Experiment·training·practice courses mandatory of proceeding in class with specialized training equipment

  Practice courses(arts and physical education majors) necessary of gaining a skillful technique

  Courses necessary of producing protypes as a result of class

It is impossible for offline midterms to proceed and other activities(online exams, assignment substitutions, and etc) can be done under the professor’s discretion.

Offline courses will be announced on 4/28(Tue.) once the class management requirements such as securing safety distances, disinfecting facilities, and more is fixed.

Detailed information on disinfection measures regarding offline classes will be additionally notified.