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★ Survey Notice regarding the Coronavirus

  • Views 1481
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2020-01-28

Dear International Students,


Warm greetings from the Office of International Affairs.

We really hope that you are enjoying your winter vacation.

As you may already be aware of the Coronavirus, the Novel Coronavirus originated out of Wuhan, China and the government in Korea raised the level of the four-tier infectious disease alert to the second most severe rung.

The Korean government has stepped up efforts to contain the spread of the virus by tightening checks on passengers entering Korea and expanding the range of people to be put under quarantine and on monitoring lists among those who visited China.


So, the international students who have visited China (including Hong Kong, Macau) recently must report to us 

by completing the survey below (even though there is no symptoms) by January 30, 10 a.m



(If you cannot open this site, please complete the attached file and send it to us via email: inbound.exchange@sookmyung.ac.kr/ T: 02-710-9284)


The students and faculty members who returned from China, Hong Kong and Macau after January 13 (considering the 14 day-incubation period) are requested to be quarantined in their house for 14 days (No school) from the date of return even though there are no symptoms.

The students who are staying at International guest house, the detailed information will be given out from the International guest house office.

As soon as you suspect a symptom call 1339(KCDC) prior to your medical visit.


Safeguard your health and reduce the risk for any infection, including Coronavirus, the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (http://cdc.go.kr/cdc_eng) recommends the following:

·  wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 30 seconds

·  avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands

·  avoid close contact with people who are sick


If you have cold-like symptoms, you can help protect others by doing the following:

·  stay home while you are sick

·  avoid close contact with others

·  cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or mask when you cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue/mask in the trash and wash your hands

·  clean and disinfect objects and surfaces




Kind regards,


Office of International Affairs