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2019 Spring Admission Results: Graduate School(일반대학원)

  • Views 2562
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2018-12-20

2019학년도 전기 일반대학원 부모모두외국인인 외국인 합격자 발표


1. 일시 : 2018년 12월 20일(목) 오전 10시

2. 합격자 조회 : 일반대학원 바로가기

※수험번호와 생년월일(6자리)을 입력합니다. (수험번호 확인 ▶  수험번호 )

3. 등록금 확인 : 2019년 1월 7일(월) 오전 10시, 합격자 조회창에서 출력가능

4. 합격자 안내사항 : 붙임 참조(반드시 확인하세요!)

5. 기타문의

Email : admission@sookmyung.ac.kr
TEL : +82-2-710-9817

붙임 1. 합격자 안내사항(Notice for Accepted Students)

        2. 학력조회동의서(Education Verification Request) 

        3. 건강검진표(Certificate of Health)


Warm Greetings from Sookmyung Women’s University!

Please check the result of 2019 Spring Admission for Gaduate School applicants on December 20 from 10 a.m.

  Please note that the Tution Invoice will be print out from 7 January 2019, 10 a.m. 

Graduate School : ☞ CLICK

  Please kindly put your Examinee number and Date of Birth(6 digits/YYMMDD)

1. Registration

(1) Registration Period : January 9(Wed.) 10:00~ January 11(Fri.) 16:00, 2019

(2) How to register
    - Admitted Students who in Korea: Tuition fee can be wired to the virtual bank account
    - Admitted Students who out of Korea : Overseas transfer

(3) Your acceptance could be cancelled if you do not complete the payment during this period!!

(4) Tuition refund policy

 100% refund is available if the Admission Office confirms the student for cancellation of admission prior to the commencement of new semester.

 According to the refund policy of Sookmyung Women’s University, tuition excluding entrance fee will be given back in case of taking off or dropping out.

Please carefully review attached “Notice for Accepted students” and make sure that you need to submit several documents for your registration. 

We hope that you find our Notice helpful.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns (after you have read the Notice for Accepted students). 

Email : admission@sookmyung.ac.kr

TEL : +82-2-710-9817



Office of International Affairs

Attachements  1. Notice for Accepted students

                          2. Education Verification Request

                          3. Certificate of Health