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2019 Spring semsester admission for International Students

  • Views 4431
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2018-09-21

                                  2019학년도 3월 입학 외국인학생 모집 안내


1. 대상 : 부모모두 외국인인 외국인

2. 모집기간


온라인접수 시작일

서류제출 마감일


10월 2일

10월 26일


10월 2일

10월 26일


11월 5일

11월 16일


※ 특수대학원 : 야간 과정, 여학생, 남학생 모두 지원 가능

가. 온라인 접수 : Study in Korea 사이트 www.studyinkorea.go.kr > Online Application Overseas Study Application 선택


3. 문의

가. 연락처 : 02-710-9813(학부) / 9817(대학원) / 9284

나. 이메일 : admission@sookmyung.ac.kr

다. 홈페이지 : http://e.sookmyung.ac.kr>Admission



Greetings from Sookmyung Women’s University!(SMU)


We are pleased to inform you that our 2019 Spring semester admission guidelines for International students are updated.


Important Dates and Admission Documents submittion deadlines :


Online application System open

Documents Submittion Deadline

Undergraduate Application

October 2

October 26

Graduate Application

October 2

October 26

GSPS Application

November 5

November 16


※ GSPS : Graduate School of Professional Studies(Night Class/Female & Male students may apply)

Please carefully review these guideline before you apply via online the Study in Korea Portal.




We hope that you find our admission guidelines helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns(after you have read the Admission guidelines and FAQs).


We look forward to receiving your applications and meet you at Sookmyung!


Email : admission@sookmyung.ac.kr

TEL : +82-2-710-9813(Undergraduate program) / 9817(Graduate program) / 9284




Office of International Affairs