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[Notice] 2023 해외문화홍보원 코리아넷 K-인플루언서 아카데미’ 모집 공고

  • Views 955
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2023-02-17




2023 해외문화홍보원 코리아넷 K-인플루언서 아카데미



       프로그램명 : 2023 K-influencer Academy

       모집기간 : 202321712PM ~ 20233911:59PM

       대상 : 외국인

       참가 신청 : https://forms.gle/5S3KPpamhDNPb6Zj9

       문의처 : kinfluencer2023@gmail.com

       주관 : 문화체육관광부 해외문화홍보원 (KOCIS)










Want to be the next influencer for Korea?

You are the protagonist of the next YouTube creator generation to be conveying Korean culture!

Welcome to the 2023 K-influencer Academy, a YouTube training program for Korea lovers.


o Who

If you love Korea and want to be a YouTube creator, regardless of your nationality, language, or location, you are welcome to apply!🤗


o How

Please fill out the form below by entering your information in each section.


o Program benefits

- Most outstanding creator : Invitation to Korea

- Opportunities to be on TV and YouTube content

- Participation in online and offline festivals

- YouTube channel consulting and promotional marketing

- Access to filming equipments and studio

- Funding for content production

Various benefits that support your development as a creator are waiting for you.

(The benefits of the program may vary depending on your level of participation and the situation.)


o Application period

February 17(Fri) 12PM ~ March 9(Thu) 11:59PM, 2023 (KST)


o QnA

K-influencer Academy Office (kinfluencer2023@gmail.com)


o Curious about the activities of the K-influencer?

- K-influencer YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@Kinfluencer

- Korea.net YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@GatewayToKorea


Presented by KOCIS (www.korea.net)