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Orientation for Fall 2016 Exchange students

  • Views 1836
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2016-08-22


Dear Exchange students for fall 2016.


The orientation will be held on August 30(Tuesday) at 2p.m.

All international students need to participate on this program.

Please do not miss this orienation.


Orientation for Fall 2016 exchange students

1. Date: August 30(Tue.) 2p.m-5p.m

2. Venue: Centennial Hall 2F, Samsung Convention Center

3. Program:


14:00-14:07   Short Video Clip of SMU
14:07-14:30   Orientation from OIA
14:30-14:35   Buddy Introduction
14:35-14:40   Survey  /  Q & A
14:40-15:20   Campus Tour
15:20~16:55   Course Registration
*Please find out the campus map for the direction to the orientation venue.

The check in for the international house is from August 29 and 

your room number will be informed upon your arrival to the International Guest House Office.



Best regards,



Office of International Affairs