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2023 Spring Admission interview schedule: GSPS(특수대학원)

  • Views 1347
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2022-12-01

2021학년도 전기 특수대학원 부모모두 외국인 입학 면접 일정 안내


1. 면접일자 : 2022 12 03()

2. 학과별 면접시간 및 장소 : 수험생 유의사항 확인(첨부파일 1)  CLICK

3. 수험번호 : 학과별 면접시간 확인(첨부파일 2)


4. 수험생 유의사항


          1) 수험표 // 외국인등록증 또는 여권사본과 함께 지참합니다.

          2) 면접시험 시작 시간 30분 전까지 해당 면접장소에 입실합니다.


    전화 및 화상(Skype) 면접자 : 해외체류자

          1) 시험시간은 한국시간 기준입니다면접시간 1시간 전후로 대기하여 주시기 바랍니다.


5. 합격자 발표 : 2022 12 15()


붙임 1. 수험생 유의사항

        2. 학과별 면접시간(수험번호 포함)

        3. 수험표


Dear Sookmyung Applicants for the 2023 Spring semester of Graduate School of Professional Studies,   


Greetings from Sookmyung Women's University!


Please refer to the attached files and check your interview schedule.(Notice information is in Korean and English)


1. Interview will be held on Dec 3rd (Sat.), 2022

- Specific interview time will be given to applicants via e-amil directly today. 


2For Visiting Applicants   

    A. Do not forget to bring your 'Alien card' or 'Passport' with your 'Examinee Slip(Form attached)'.

       YOu may also downlaod the examinee slip from StudyinKorea.go.kr
       Examinee Slip(Form attached) : Kindly write down your 'Examinee number' - check the interview schedule file and 'Department' 

    B. You should be required to come to the interview place before 30 minutes at least.
    C. Please refer to our Campus Map and make sure your interview venue.

        Campus Map :   CLICK(KR) /  CLICK(EN)

3. For Overseas Applicants

     A. The interview time is Korean Standard time. Please wait for our contact before and after 30 minutes at least.


4. Please kindly open "Interview Schedule" and find your "Examinee Number".


5. Final result will come out on Dec 15th (Thur), 2020  on our English website notice board. 


Hope you good luck on your test! 
 Attachment : 1. Graduate School of Professional Studies Admission Notice(KR_EN)

                      2.Graduate School of Professional Studies Examination Number(with interview time)  

                      3. Examination Slip

Office of International Affairs