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Admission Information Session of SMU (IV. Free 'Night at the Museum' exhibition at Insa-dong provided)

  • Views 1767
  • Writer 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2013-10-23

Dear International students,


Greetings from Sookmyung!


International Student Support Team at Sookmyung Women’s University will hold a briefing session(IV) on our admission requirements for international students who are interested in studying at Sookmyung. We look forward to welcoming those students interested. Male students can apply for MA programs in HMBA, Graduate School of International Service and TESOL.


Date: November 22(Fri), 2013 






 Listen to our school entrance explanation



Take a break




20minutes by subway


'Night at the Museum' Exhibition



Spend a day with Sookmyung Women's University (SMU); you completely get a lot of benefit and useful information about Sookmyung. Not only explanations you can have explanation about entrance to Sookmyung, but also will have fun through 'Night at the Museum' Exhibition at Insa-dong!

* Exhibition ticket is FREE of charge!(Transportation fee is not included: 2,100won/round) 

* Night at the Museum exhibition website Click!

Why don't we share this information with your friends, sisters and brothers, and do not miss this precious opportunity for their successful study in Korea.


◈ Area of Study: Please check the following link

 * Undergraduate: http://e.sookmyung.ac.kr/app/engApply/apply.jsp?cmsCd=CM0318  

 * Graduate: http://e.sookmyung.ac.kr/app/engApply/apply.jsp?cmsCd=CM0320#conTab2 


Selected as one of the universities which have 'International Education Quality Assurance System' from Ministry of Education, Science and Technology 2012, we do our best to give many chances as we can to our international students.

How to apply


If you want to register, kindly send us email with your 'NAME/NATIONALITY/PHONE NUMBER/intended DEGREE COURSE/intended major.

ex) Christina/Korea/010-1234-5678/Graduate/Computer Science

* E-MAIL: admission@sm.ac.kr / TEL: 02-710-9256/9385, 02-2077-7132