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College of Liberal Art


Department of Japanese Studies

“Empowering individuals driving globalization and spearheading cultural exchange from our immediate surroundings.”

Our goal in the Department of Japanese Studies is to cultivate individuals who have a broad understanding of Japan and can actively contribute to Korea-Japan exchange and mutual understanding. We aim to be the leading program in Korean-Japanese relations, producing professionals with comprehensive knowledge in Japanese language and culture. Our focus is on developing leaders who possess effective communication skills, deep understanding of Japanese studies, and problem-solving abilities. We strive to prepare graduates who can create a future-oriented Korea-Japan realtionship, equipped with practical knowledge and humanities expertise to navigate the era of globalization.

Education Purposes

The Department of Japanese Studies aim to educate and empower women with a comprehensive understanding of Japan, encompassing its history, thought, economy and society in order to cultivate professional experts in the field

Education Goals

Japan, often described as a close yet distant country, has a complex history that has created tensions between nations. However, in today’s interconnected world, collaboration and cooperation between countries are crucial for mutual prosperity. Japan serves as both a close neighbor to work together with and a country to be vigilant about. Therefore, it is essential to conduct accurate and comprehensive research on Japan from various perspectives to fully understand its dynamics. Therefore, the department aims to:

  1. Cultivate individuals who can contribute to a broad friendship and cooperative relationship between the two countries by possessing accurate knowledge and understanding of Japan.
  2. Produce professional individuals who can proactively address the various issues that frequently arise between the two geographically adjacent countries.
  3. Ensure proficiency in the Japanese language to effectively achieve the aforementioned goals.